Big Tex Goes Green with Energy-Efficient LEDs Donated by Oncor

Oncor, a US-based regulated electric distribution and transmission business, recently announced it has donated energy-efficient LED lighting to Big Tex to help the Texas State Fair giant achieve 67 percent energy savings from his previous lighting system.

Big Tex's energy savings will come from replacing the previous two, 1,000-watt metal halide spotlights with 12 new LED fixtures designed to illuminate Big Tex like never before. Oncor is donating the lights to the State Fair of Texas. Because of the efficiency of the LED lighting and the amount the lighting will be used each year, Big Tex can potentially be lit by the Oncor-donated lights for some 50 years to come without replacing the bulbs.

Oncor's energy efficiency programs encourage residential, commercial and industrial consumers to take the necessary steps to be more energy efficient. By helping to "take a load off" energy use statewide, consumers can lower their energy costs, reduce demand on the power grid and help Make a brighter energy future for the state of Texas.

Oncor's Take A Load Off, Texas Education Center will be at the State Fair of Texas in the Centennial Building beginning Sept. 25 through Oct. 18. The exhibits featured include:
• Solar: Consumers will learn about the latest technology on solar water heaters and solar photovoltaic systems.
• Insulation: Consumers will learn how proper insulation can reduce heating and cooling needs up to 30 percent.
• Ductwork: Consumers will learn the top three signs that ducts are not performing correctly.
• Children's area: Coloring books and crayons to help children learn about energy efficiency.
• Lighting: Consumers will learn that upgrading to energy-efficient lighting is one of the easiest ways to save energy in a home.

Oncor's Take A Load Off, Texas education campaign began in 2007 to encourage residential, commercial and industrial customers to think about energy efficiency and the measures they can take to conserve energy.

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